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Choc-Pea FONSI
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Alabama Feral Swine Program
Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee and the USDA-NRCS/APHIS have FARM BILL funds to help property owners control Feral Swine
The Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ALSWCC) is an executive department of the State of Alabama created by statute in 1939. Read More…
Hugh Hammond Bennett
First Director, NRCS
It’s hard to imagine a time when the land was bleak. We are accustomed to driving roads bordered by fields of green, white, amber, and yellow; however, during the Dust Bowl era of the early 1930s, Read More...
The committee comprises nine members: one district supervisor from each of the six areas appointed by the governor; the director of the state cooperative agricultural extension agency; the supervisor of vocational agricultural education; and the director of the state agriculture experiment station.
Dr. William E. Puckett
Ashley Henderson, P.E.
Rhonda Bryars
Julia Soohoo
Debra Brooks
Cassandra Guilford
Kathy Gotcher
Shelly Hyde
Laura Smith
Lori Woodfin
Perry L. Oakes
Michael Helms
The Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ALSWCC) is an executive department of the State of Alabama created by statute in 1939. Read More…
Hugh Hammond Bennett
First Director, NRCS
It’s hard to imagine a time when the land was bleak. We are accustomed to driving roads bordered by fields of green, white, amber, and yellow; however, during the Dust Bowl era of the early 1930s, Read More...
The committee comprises nine members: one district supervisor from each of the six areas appointed by the governor; the director of the state cooperative agricultural extension agency; the supervisor of vocational agricultural education; and the director of the state agriculture experiment station.
Dr. William E. Puckett
Ashley Henderson, P.E.
Rhonda Bryars
Julia Soohoo
Debra Brooks
Kathy Gotcher
Shelly Hyde
Lori Woodfin
Perry L. Oakes
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It’s not a pretty topic
Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP)
Alabama Conservation Incentive Program (CIP)
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